• > 87,000t of waste treated

  • 20 jobs created

  • > 7,500t of compost produced

Household Waste Recovery

Funded by carbon offsetting

The GoodPlanet Foundation supports the introduction of units to recycle household waste into compost in developing countries in order to turn waste into a useful resource.

Sorting and composting help improve local management of household waste while reducing its impact on the environment, particularly in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

In addition, compost production contributes to the development of local agriculture and goes hand in hand with job creation for the most disadvantaged populations.


3.4 to 4 billion tonnes of waste are produced per year, of which 1.7 to 1.9 billion tonnes of municipal waste which is set to double in the next 15 years.

Developing countries contribute to this increase under the effect of population growth and their difficulties in sustainably managing their waste, most of which is in the open air.

What’s more, anaerobic breakdown (in the absence of oxygen) of the organic matter in household waste contributes significantly to global warming through the emission of large quantities of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

The introduction of waste sorting, recycling and processing is therefore a key challenge for these countries.


The household waste recovery programme has helped fight environmental pollution, as well as damage to human health and living conditions for the populations of 4 African cities: Mahajanga, Lomé, Dschang, and Bouaké, though the Africompost project. More than  87,000 tons of waste were treated and  more than 7,500 tons of compost were produced.

3 Projects


Plateforme à Lomé © Fondation GoodPlanet
Plateforme à Lomé © Fondation GoodPlanet

Waste Composting In Togo

  • 12615 tonnes of waste treated
  • 2062 tonnes of compost produced
  • Funded by carbon offsetting

The project was incorporated into the Africompost programme from September 2011 to March 2017. The sponsorship phase for the installation of compost platforms came to an end in April 2017, and the composting activities have since been supported by voluntary carbon offsetting.

Collecte de déchets au klaxon en centre ville Dschang © Gevalor
Collecte de déchets au klaxon en centre ville Dschang © Gevalor

Waste Composting In Cameroon

  • 3980 tonnes of waste treated
  • 246 tonnes of compost produced
  • Funded by carbon offsetting

The Dschang project was supported as part of a pilot phase from September 2011 to December 2013 in order to overcome the limits tied to the development of the compost project, then was incorporated into the Africompost programme from January 2014 to March 2017. […]




Waste Composting In Madagascar

  • 25234 tonnes of waste treated
  • 368 tonnes of compost produced
  • 27911 tCO2e avoided
  • Funded by carbon offsetting

Background The city of Mahajanga, on the northwest coast of Madagascar, produces 30,000 tonnes of household waste per year, of which only 30% goes to landfill. Other than the health problems caused by this poor management, the anaerobic breakdown (in the […]
